
Square only

Streamline - The world's largest icon pack.

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Square comes with the world's largest icon pack. Over 10,500 in three different weights. 53 categories, 720 sub categories. Over 30,000 in total.

Search, download or copy 30,000 vector icons with the Streamline app: https://app.streamlineicons.com/.

Note: Due to the size of the icons package we have uploaded it to our server for you to download anytime. You will find more information/instuction in the Square theme package.
For license information please visit Streamline Icons Premium License page.


We highly recommend you use SVG icons that are easy to scale and color.



You can style the icons by using fill-[color name] or stroke-[color name] classes on the svg element.



If you need smaller ior bigger icon, just modify the width and height attribute of the svg element.
